Wednesday 21 October 2009



I named my magazine ‘N@C’ (news at college) so that my target audience was established in the title. It also uses @ rather than ‘at’ to make the magazine appear more modern. My advert is appealing to students because my main title is about a party and students stereotypically enjoy partying.
I used a white background with red boxes because I my research showed that red and white contrast well and red captures the eye because it’s an intense and powerful colour. Red and white are also both neutral colours which means that my magazine cover would appeal to both male and female students. I used white for the font as well as the background because that creates continuity throughout my magazine.
I used the image of two students for my magazine cover. By using students as my models my magazine relates to it’s target audience. I also used a boy and a girl to show that the magazine is aimed at both sexes. I took the photograph as a medium close up so that the picture showed their heads and shoulders. I used a ticket to the Halloween Party as a prop in my image because my main title that’s on the cover of the magazine is about the Halloween Party.
My subtitles both relate to student life. ‘Dealing with Stress’, and ‘Looking for Work Experience’. I used these titles because I researched subject matter in college magazines and discovered that whilst college magazines include social activities, they also look at serious issues that Students may need advice on.

Unused Photographs

I didn't use these photographs.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Monday 19 October 2009

Friday 16 October 2009

Subject Matter

The subject matter for college magazines are about student life. Articles are things like upcoming parties, dealing with issues like stress and handling money. Raising awareness about stuff going on in the media and relating it to students and giving advice on how to cope with student life.


The location will either be at college or I'll cut the model from a background and not give the picture a background. I'm going to use a student as a model wearing a halloween themed costume because my main story on my magazine cover is the Halloween party that's coming up. If there's a prop it will be the model holding one of the Halloween tickets.

Thursday 15 October 2009

Camera Shots

Most magazine covers have an image of a person. The most common shot is a medium close up that takes a lot of space on the front cover of a magazine.

Definition of medium close up: Half-way between a mid shot and a close up. Usually covers the subjects head and shoulders.

Example of a medium close-ups

Colour Use

Colour attracts the reader to the magazine and makes the product memorable. Magazines about nature are more likely to use the colours: green, blue and purple. Gold and silver are signified as precious colours because they're precious metals.

Colours that match:
Red + White
Blue + White
Orange + black
Black + Carmine
Grey, silver + scarlet
Green + White
Green + Red
Red + Yellow
Red, yellow and green
Red, yellow + blue
Red, yellow + black

Red attracts attracts attention no matter what colour it's with. It's intense and gives great contrast.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

College magazines have 63 pages on average. Most are free and the subject material can be parties, issues at college such as handling money and stress, sports news and other information about college.
The magazine uses red to get the reader's attention. Magazines use a lot of contrast in colour like red on a pale background and white is commonly used. The centre image is of a student which shows that the magazine is aimed at students. The magazine has black font to stand out against the pale background.


Typography is the art and technique of arranging type and type design. Typography is performed by typesetters, compositors, typographers, graphic designers, art directors, comic book artists, and clerical workers. Until the Digital Age, typography was a specialized occupation. Digitization opened up typography to new generations of visual designers and lay users.

Friday 9 October 2009

The theme of the magazine is winter which is shown in several small images but no centre image.
There are page numbers but they aren't listed and are scattered about the page
The main colours that are used in the contents page are blue and white which connotates the cold and the theme is winter
It is difficult to tell what the target audience is for the magazine because it mentions a wide variety of articles like football and cooking tips so it isn't a specialised magazine.
There are also a list of page numbers at the bottom of the page that list the less important articles

Title - at the left corner of the page
Large background picture of a man surfing which implies that it's a sports magazine
Two subtitles
Paragraphs describing whats in the magazine but no actual page numbers
At the bottom there's a little paragraph that describes wha'ts on the front cover and there's a small image of the front cover at the bottom of the contents page

- Title in informal font so that it atracts both students and teachers
- subtitles in blue font so that it stands out against orange background and captures attention
- All articles are relevant to school because it's a school magazine
- the target audience is for students and teachers
- centre picture

Monday 5 October 2009

The magazine's institution is NME and it's target audience is music lovers. This is made clear by the title, 'New Musical Express'.
The magazine uses simple language to make the magazine easy to read. The magazine cover has connotations of rebellion because of the centre image which is of Beth Ditto posing naked despite the fact she isn't a 'size zero'.
The colour themes that the cover uses are black, red and yellow because those colours contrast well together and the yellow captures the reader's eye. Also red is a powerful and intense colour.
The ideology of the magazine is that music lovers and people who don’t like the regular ‘size zero’, will enjoy the magazine. The cover has several sub titles, most of them about music artists which reinforces the ideology of the magazine and the representation. The magazine represents music.

Conventions of a magazine:

- The title
- date
- picture, centre of the cover
- subtitles 'How to be a recessionista
- barcode
Audience: Women in their twenties and thirties, probably middle class because it's an expensive magazine and the products advertised are expensive.
Institution: Vogue
Representation: Vogue represents women. The image on the screen is of a women and the text is pink which connotates femenism.
Ideology: the ideology is that women are free and independant and enjoy shopping so they'll want to read the magazine. Woman are also supposed to love gossip and fashion so they'll like vogue.
Language: there is a lot of alliteration, 'Style sensation', 'Beauty buys that won't break the bank', because it makes the subtitles catchy and it captures people's attention.

The Brief

Preliminary exercise: using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally you must produce a mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP.

Main task: the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and text used must be original, produced by you - minimum of four images.

Presentation of your work:
The presentation of the research, planning and evaluation may take the form of any one or combination of two or more of the following
- a presentation using slideshow software such as Powerpoint;
- a blog
- a podcast;